

“追求品质,不忘初心”是岳阳豫信致诚机械设备有限公司一贯坚持的产品理念。目前,岳阳豫信致诚机械设备有限公司达成长期战略合作的原料供应工厂,不仅能够保障原材料的供应,更能从源头上确保用料的。从原料进库到产品出厂,各个环节,各个部门都有规范的管理和专人负责,岳阳豫信致诚机械设备有限公司生产的所有 工业软管泵产品均采用环保材料, 工业软管泵制作工艺均符合欧美标准,关注消费者关注的,我们一直在努力!


The hose pump is mainly composed of 5 parts: pump casing, rotor body, reducer, base and hose. The durability of the pump is mainly determined by the elasticity and corrosion resistance of the pipe, and its flow rate is related to the speed of the motor and the inner diameter of the pipe.


Possible causes and solutions for insufficient oil delivery of industrial hose pumps. Gear pump troubleshooting. 10 oil-separating ring gear pumps should be able to supply oil continuously, and the gear meshing overlap factor should be greater than 1. When one pair of gears is not disengaged, the other pair of gears has entered the meshed state. In this way, when there are two pairs of gears meshing at the same time, a closed volume is formed between the tooth meshing lines of the two pairs of gears, and part of the oil is also trapped therein.

